Recent Storm Damage Posts

Stay Safe When the Winds Roar: A Guide to Tornado Safety

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

water flooding in background with text overlay Tornadoes are a serious threat, but with proper preparation and quick action, you can minimize the risks and stay safe during these dangerous storms.

Tornadoes are powerful and unpredictable natural disasters that can cause immense destruction in a matter of minutes. Being prepared and knowing what to do can significantly increase your chances of staying safe during a tornado in Foxborough. Here’s a comprehensive guide to tornado safety:

Understand Tornado Alerts

  • Tornado Watch: Conditions are favorable for tornadoes to develop. Be alert and prepared.
  • Tornado Warning: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Take immediate shelter if a warning is issued for your area.

Create a Tornado Safety Plan

  • Designate a Safe Room: Choose a basement or storm cellar if available. If not, select an interior room on the lowest level of your home, away from windows.

Practice Drills

Conduct tornado drills with your family or household members. Ensure everyone knows the safest place to seek shelter and how to protect themselves.

Stay Informed

Keep a battery-powered weather radio or smartphone with emergency alerts enabled to receive updates on tornado warnings and weather conditions.

Secure Your Property

Remove or secure outdoor items that could become projectiles in high winds, such as patio furniture, grills, and trash cans.

During a Tornado Warning

  • Take Shelter Immediately: If you are in a mobile home, evacuate to a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, seek shelter in a sturdy building or lie flat in a low-lying area.
  • In a Vehicle: If you are driving and encounter a tornado, do not try to outrun it. Instead, park the car safely, preferably in a garage or shelter. If there is no shelter available, stay in the car with your seatbelt on and cover your head with your hands and a blanket or coat.

After the Tornado

  • Wait for Authorities: Wait for authorities to declare the area safe before leaving your shelter. Be cautious of hazards such as downed power lines, gas leaks, and damaged buildings.
  • Check on Neighbors: After ensuring your safety, check on neighbors, especially the elderly or those with disabilities, to make sure they are okay and offer assistance if needed.
  • Stay Calm: Panicking can impair your ability to make sound decisions. Stay calm and follow your tornado safety plan.

Tornadoes are a serious threat, but with proper preparation and quick action, you can minimize the risks and stay safe during these dangerous storms.

Choose the #1 Experts in Cleanup and Restoration for Residential and Commercial Fire, Mold, Water, and Storm Damage. Contact us today! We can assist with your damage and restoration needs in Foxborough.

Spring Storms Checklist 

6/18/2024 (Permalink)

spring flowers background with SERVPRO logo overview We've compiled a comprehensive checklist for your spring maintenance routine.

As spring emerges, it's time to prepare your home for the seasons ahead. To help you stay proactive and avoid potential issues, we've compiled a comprehensive checklist for your spring maintenance routine.

Roof and Gutters:

  • Inspect your roof for any missing, damaged, or loose shingles that could lead to leaks.
  • Clean out your gutters and downspouts to prevent water buildup and potential water damage.
  • Check for signs of water leaks around your roof and attic, such as water stains or mold growth.

Exterior Maintenance:

  • Inspect your siding for any cracks, gaps, or signs of water damage that could compromise your home's integrity.
  • Check for proper drainage around your home to prevent water from pooling near the foundation, which can lead to basement flooding.
  • Trim any tree branches or shrubs that are touching or close to your home to prevent damage from high winds and storms.

Interior Checks:

  • Inspect your ceilings and walls for any signs of water damage, such as stains or peeling paint, which could indicate a leaky roof or plumbing issue.
  • Check your plumbing for any leaks or drips, especially under sinks and around toilets, and repair them promptly to prevent water damage.
  • Test your sump pump to ensure it is working properly in case of heavy rains or flooding.

Why Choose Us? For cleanup and restoration services for residential and commercial fire, mold, water, and storm damage in Norfolk, MA, choose the experts. Contact us today for assistance with your damage and restoration needs.

Stay ahead of potential issues and ensure your home is ready for the season ahead with this spring maintenance checklist.

Prepare for Spring Storms in Foxborough MA

6/8/2024 (Permalink)

spring flowers background with SERVPRO logo overview To help you navigate these storms, we're here with valuable resources and services.

As spring unfolds, so does the potential for severe weather. To help you navigate these storms, we're here with valuable resources and services designed to assist you before, during, and after a storm.

Prepare Before the Storm:

  • Create an emergency kit with essentials like water, non-perishable food, medications, flashlights, and batteries.
  • Develop a family emergency plan and ensure everyone knows what to do and where to go in case of a storm.
  • Keep trees and branches trimmed to prevent them from falling on your property during high winds.
  • Consider installing a generator to keep essentials running if the power goes out.

During the Storm:

  • Stay informed about weather conditions by listening to a NOAA Weather Radio or local news.
  • Seek shelter in a sturdy building or basement and avoid windows if you receive a storm warning.
  • Avoid using electrical appliances and landline phones during the storm to reduce the risk of electrocution.

After the Storm:

  • Check for damage to your property, including roof leaks, water intrusion, and fallen trees.
  • Contact us immediately for professional cleanup and restoration services if you experience water damage.
  • Document the damage with photographs to assist with insurance claims.

Our team is available 24/7 to respond to storm damage emergencies. We use advanced equipment and techniques to quickly restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Choose the experts in cleanup and restoration for residential and commercial fire, mold, water, and storm damage. Contact SERVPRO of Foxborough today for all your damage and restoration needs.

Emergency Preparedness for Homeowners: What to Do Before, During, and After a Spring Storm

5/21/2024 (Permalink)

spring flowers background with SERVPRO logo overview By following these tips, you can be better prepared for spring storms and protect your home and family in Foxborough, MA.

Spring is a beautiful time of year, but it can also bring unpredictable weather, including severe storms. As a homeowner, it's essential to be prepared for these events to protect your family and property in Foxborough, MA. Here is what you can do before, during, and after a spring storm to stay safe and minimize damage.

Before the Storm:

  • Create an Emergency Kit: Put together an emergency kit that includes essential supplies such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and any necessary medications.
  • Develop a Family Communication Plan: Create a family communication plan so that everyone knows how to reach each other in case of an emergency. Choose a designated meeting place in case you are separated during the storm.
  • Secure Outdoor Items: Bring in or secure outdoor furniture, decorations, and other items that could be picked up by strong winds and cause damage.
  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Trim back trees and shrubs to reduce the risk of branches falling onto your home during a storm.
  • Check Your Insurance Coverage: Review your homeowners insurance policy to ensure you have adequate coverage for potential storm damage.

During the Storm:

  • Stay Informed: Monitor weather reports and alerts to stay informed about the storm's progress and any safety advisories.
  • Seek Shelter: If advised to do so, seek shelter in a safe place in your home, such as a basement or interior room on the lowest level.
  • Avoid Windows and Doors: Stay away from windows and doors during the storm to avoid injury from flying debris.
  • Turn Off Utilities: If instructed to do so, turn off your gas, electricity, and water to prevent damage in case of flooding or a gas leak.

After the Storm:

  • Assess Damage: After the storm has passed, assess your property for any damage. Check for leaks, structural damage, and fallen trees or power lines.
  • Document Damage: Take photos of any damage to your property and belongings to document the extent of the damage for insurance purposes.
  • Contact Your Insurance Company: Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report any damage and begin the claims process.
  • Clean Up Safely: If you need to clean up debris or water, do so carefully to avoid injury. Wear protective gear and be cautious of hazards such as downed power lines.

By following these tips, you can be better prepared for spring storms and protect your home and family in Foxborough, MA. Remember, SERVPRO of Foxborough, MA is here to help and safety should always be your top priority during severe weather events. 

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

Preparing for Spring Storms and Floods in  Wethersfield, MA

5/2/2024 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay By taking these proactive measures, you can help protect your commercial property from the damaging effects of spring storms and floods.

Spring is a season of renewal, but it also brings its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to weather. Spring storms can bring heavy rainfall, high winds, and flooding, which can pose a threat to commercial properties in Wethersfield, MA. Here are some tips for preparing your commercial property for spring storms and floods:

  1. Inspect Your Roof: Inspect your roof for any damage or signs of wear and tear. Repair or replace any damaged shingles or flashing to prevent leaks during heavy rainfall.
  2. Clean Gutters and Downspouts: Clean gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow, leading to water damage to your building's exterior and foundation.
  3. Check Drainage Systems: Ensure that your property's drainage systems, such as storm drains and culverts, are clear of debris and functioning correctly. This will help prevent flooding during heavy rain.
  4. Trim Trees and Shrubs: Trim trees and shrubs around your property to prevent branches from falling onto your building during high winds. This will also help prevent damage to your roof and windows.
  5. Inspect Windows and Doors: Inspect windows and doors for any gaps or cracks that could allow water to seep in during a storm. Seal any openings with weatherstripping or caulk.
  6. Secure Outdoor Items: Secure outdoor furniture, signage, and other items that could be picked up by strong winds and cause damage.
  7. Backup Important Data: Backup important data and documents to protect them from loss in case of a flood or other disaster. Store backups in a secure off-site location or in the cloud.
  8. Create an Emergency Plan: Develop an emergency plan for your property that outlines what to do in case of a severe storm or flood. Include evacuation routes, emergency contact information, and procedures for shutting off utilities.
  9. Review Your Insurance Coverage: Review your insurance coverage to ensure you have adequate protection against storm and flood damage. Consider adding flood insurance if your property is located in a flood-prone area.
  10. Stay Informed: Stay informed about weather conditions in your area. Monitor weather forecasts and alerts to stay ahead of any potential storms or flooding.

By taking these proactive measures, you can help protect your commercial property from the damaging effects of spring storms and floods. Remember, preparedness is key to minimizing the impact of severe weather on your property and business.  SERVPRO of Framingham is here to help with your commercial or residential property.  

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

How to prepare for a rainstorm 

4/20/2023 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay Learn how to prepare for a rainstorm and what steps you can take to minimize damage.

Whether you live in an area prone to heavy rain or you're planning a trip during the rainy season, preparing for a rainstorm can help keep you safe and dry. 

Learn how to prepare for a rainstorm and what steps you can take to minimize damage.

  • Check the weather forecast: Before you head out, make sure to check the weather forecast. This will help you determine if a rainstorm is likely and when it is expected to arrive. You can plan your activities accordingly and be prepared for any changes in the weather.
  • Make a plan: If you live in an area prone to heavy rain, it's important to have a plan in case of a rainstorm. This includes knowing where to go if you need to evacuate and having an emergency kit with essentials such as food, water, and a first aid kit.
  • Protect your home: To protect your home from rain damage, make sure that your gutters are clear of debris and that your roof is in good condition. This will prevent water from seeping into your home and causing damage. You may also want to invest in sandbags to prevent flooding in low-lying areas.
  • Pack accordingly: If you're planning a trip during the rainy season, make sure to pack accordingly. Bring rain gear such as a waterproof jacket and boots, as well as an umbrella. You may also want to pack a change of clothes and waterproof bags to keep your belongings dry.
  • Secure loose items: Before a rainstorm arrives, make sure to secure any loose items outside, such as patio furniture or outdoor toys. This will prevent them from being blown away by the wind or causing damage during the storm.
  • Stay indoors: During a rainstorm, it's best to stay indoors if possible. Avoid driving unless it is necessary, as rain can make roads slippery and reduce visibility. If you do need to go outside, make sure to wear appropriate rain gear and stay away from downed power lines or standing water.
  • Stay informed: Finally, stay informed during a rainstorm. Listen to local news and weather reports for updates and alerts. Be aware of any potential dangers, such as flooding or landslides, and take appropriate action to stay safe.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What can storm damage do to a home?

4/14/2023 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay By being proactive and taking steps to protect your home, you can minimize the damage caused by severe storms and keep your family safe.

It's important to be aware of the potential dangers of storm damage and take steps to protect your home. 

  • Roof Damage: High winds, hail, and heavy rain can all cause damage to a home's roof. This can include missing or broken shingles, leaks, and even complete roof collapse in extreme cases.
  • Water Damage: Flooding, leaks, and standing water can cause extensive water damage to a home. This can lead to structural damage, mold growth, and other issues.
  • Structural Damage: High winds, tornadoes, and other severe weather events can cause significant structural damage to a home. This can include damage to walls, foundations, and support beams, which can compromise the safety of the home.
  • Window and Door Damage: High winds and hail can damage windows and doors, leaving your home vulnerable to further damage.
  • Electrical Damage: Lightning strikes and power surges can damage electrical systems in a home, leading to fire hazards and other safety concerns.
  • Tree Damage: Falling trees and branches can cause extensive damage to a home, including damage to the roof, walls, and other structures.
  • Car Damage: In severe storms, cars can be lifted or moved by high winds, causing them to crash into homes and other structures.

It's important to be aware of the potential dangers of storm damage and take steps to protect your home. By being proactive and taking steps to protect your home, you can minimize the damage caused by severe storms and keep your family safe.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What should I do to prepare for a thunderstorm?

3/28/2023 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay Staying informed, creating an emergency kit, securing your home, unplugging electronics, staying inside, and waiting for the storm to pass..

Thunderstorms are powerful weather events that can bring lightning, high winds, heavy rain, and hail. 

  1. Stay informed: One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a thunderstorm is to stay informed about the weather conditions in your area. Keep an eye on local weather reports and download a reliable weather app that can give you up-to-date information. 
  2. Create an emergency kit: Putting together an emergency kit is an excellent way to prepare for a thunderstorm. Your kit should include items like a flashlight, extra batteries, a first aid kit, bottled water, non-perishable food, a portable radio, and a phone charger. 
  3. Secure your home: It is essential to secure your home before a thunderstorm. Make sure your doors and windows are closed and locked and remove any objects that could become airborne in high winds, such as lawn furniture or outdoor decorations. 
  4. Unplug electronics: Lightning strikes can cause power surges that can damage your electronic devices. To prevent this, unplug your electronics before the storm arrives. 
  5. Stay inside: The best way to stay safe during a thunderstorm is to stay inside a sturdy building or a car. 
  6. Wait for the storm to pass: Thunderstorms can be intense but usually pass relatively quickly. Once the storm has passed, wait for a while before going outside to assess any damage or potential hazards. 

Preparing for a thunderstorm is essential to keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. Staying informed, creating an emergency kit, securing your home, unplugging electronics, staying inside, and waiting for the storm to pass are all critical steps to take. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What should I do if my house is affected by storm damage in Foxborough?

3/15/2023 (Permalink)

storm with green box and text overlay Storm damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but taking these steps can help you navigate the process.

Natural disasters like storms can wreak havoc on homes, causing significant damage and posing safety hazards. Here's what you should do:

  1. If your home has suffered severe damage, it may be unsafe to stay inside. Look for signs of structural damage, such as cracks in the walls, ceilings, or foundation, and assess the damage to the roof, windows, and doors. 
  2. Take photos and videos of the damage to your home, both inside and out. This documentation will be important when filing an insurance claim.
  3. Your insurer will likely send an adjuster to assess the damage and determine the amount of compensation you're entitled to.
  4. Cover any holes in the roof or walls with tarps or boards, and use sandbags or other materials to block any openings where water could enter your home. Keep in mind that any repairs you make should be documented and kept for insurance purposes.
  5. Look for contractors who are licensed and insured, and who have experience with storm damage repairs. 
  6. Keep track of all communication with your insurance company and contractor, including emails, phone calls, and written correspondence. 
  7. Consider adding storm shutters or reinforcing your roof to make it more resistant to high winds. Keep important documents in a waterproof and fireproof safe.

Storm damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but taking these steps can help you navigate the process.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What types of storms are there in spring Foxborough?

3/7/2023 (Permalink)

Storm with Lightning over white box with SERVPRO logo The spring season can bring with it a variety of weather patterns, including rainstorms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and dust storms.

As the season transitions from winter to spring, it brings with it a variety of weather patterns that can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. One of the most notable weather events of the spring season is storms. 

  1. Rainstorms are characterized by heavy rainfalls, which can last for several hours or even days. They often occur as warm, moist air from the south collides with colder air from the north, leading to the formation of cumulonimbus clouds. While rainstorms can be beneficial for the environment, helping to replenish water supplies, they can also lead to flooding and landslides if the rainfall is too heavy. 
  2. Thunderstorms are characterized by the presence of thunder and lightning, which are caused by the discharge of electrical energy between the ground and the atmosphere. Thunderstorms can be dangerous, with the potential to produce strong winds, hail, and tornadoes. 
  3. Tornadoes are characterized by a rotating column of air that forms within a thunderstorm and can cause widespread damage, including uprooting trees, damaging buildings, and even destroying entire communities.  
  4. Dust storms are not as common as the other types of storms on this list, dust storms can occur during the spring season in arid regions. These storms are characterized by strong winds that pick up dust and dirt, leading to reduced visibility and potentially hazardous driving conditions. If you live in an area that is prone to dust storms, it's important to avoid driving during these conditions and to take precautions to protect your eyes and respiratory system from dust.

The spring season can bring with it a variety of weather patterns, including rainstorms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and dust storms. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Explains Winter Storm Damage

2/5/2023 (Permalink)

Winter with text box and Orange SERVPRO logo In the event that winter storm damage occurs, it is important to act quickly to prevent further damage.

While winter storms can be exciting for some, they can also cause significant damage to homes and businesses. Here are some common types of winter storm damage and tips for protecting your property.

  1. Roof damage: Heavy snow and ice can put a lot of weight on your roof, which can cause damage, including cracks, leaks, and even collapse. Regularly removing snow and ice from your roof can help prevent damage.
  2. Frozen pipes: When pipes freeze, they can burst and cause significant water damage to your home or business. To prevent this, make sure your pipes are properly insulated and kept at a temperature above freezing.
  3. Power outages: Winter storms can bring high winds and heavy snow that can cause power outages. Have backup power sources, such as a generator, on hand to ensure that you have power during a winter storm.
  4. Slips and falls: Ice and snow can make walkways and steps slippery, which can lead to falls and injury. Keep walkways and steps clear of snow and ice to prevent accidents.
  5. Vehicle damage: Winter storms can cause damage to your vehicle, including dents, scratches, and even engine damage. Store your vehicle in a garage or covered area to protect it from winter weather.

To protect your property from winter storm damage, it is important to be prepared. Regularly inspect your home or business for potential damage and make any necessary repairs. 

In the event that winter storm damage occurs, it is important to act quickly to prevent further damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Storm Safety

9/5/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Everyone should be prepared in case of a disaster, as best as they can be.

Everyone should be prepared in case of a disaster, as best as they can be. If you haven't taken the time to think about how disasters could affect you, then it is time to become educated to help save you and your family. 

  1. Make sure you are always informed and receive important lifesaving alerts from your local community. 
  2. You can also receive wireless emergency alerts such as NOAA Weather Radio, or follow social media.
  3. Know which natural disasters can occur in your area and how to prepare in advance.
  4. Make sure you know where the nearest shelters are. You might also want to know evacuation routes.
  5. It is important to make a family emergency plan that can be put into action. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage.

Storm Flood Damage Can Cause Mold

2/14/2022 (Permalink)

mold on corner of wall Mold can result from water damage to a home, due to flooding

Flood-damaged homes are very likely to experience mold damage as moisture permeates the structure of the building for an extended period of time. Mold organisms are found almost everywhere and damp environments allow it to grow and spread through affected areas such as basements, walls, carpet, and wood. If you have a flood-damaged home, keep an eye out for discoloration on surfaces and musty odor.

If you notice mold in your home, there are things you can do.

- Get the moisture under control. After a flood, the water must be extracted and the structure dried.
All porous materials (drywall, carpeting, and ceiling tiles) with mold growth should be discarded.
- Appliances that contain insulation should be discarded as they may harbor mold spores that cannot be seen.
- Heating and air conditioning filters need to be changed. The system will need to be inspected by a professional and may need to be replaced.
- Non-porous materials and surfaces will need to be professionally cleaned depending on the extent of the damage.

Remember, if clean up is not handled appropriately, it is likely that the spores will spread.
If you experience a water damage and would like to avoid mold call in local assistance, contact SERVPRO of Foxborough at (774) 290-4300. We are available to help 24/7. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Snow Storm Damage Information

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Winter with text box and Orange SERVPRO logo After the snowstorms happen in Massacheuttes we know the damage that may come with it. It is inevitable to get winter storms.

After the snowstorms happen in Massacheuttes we know the damage that may come with it. It is inevitable to get winter storms so you can’t always prevent the damage. Snow can cause water damage, and much more. 

Damage to your roof: Heavy snow can cause damage to your roof causing it to collapse. More importantly, when there is heavy snow on a tree it may cause it to fall onto your house or roof. 

Melting snow can cause floods: Even if the temperature does not rise above freezing, it can still melt. You can experience the same type of damage during a flood. Melting snow can go into areas that rain doesn't usually reach, which causes ice damage throughout your house. 

Freezing water can create cracks: Melting snow and ice can make their way into your roof and gutters. This can refreeze, which can cause significant damage to your home. 

There isn’t always a way to prevent damage from your home during a snowstorm, but it is important to know what can happen so you can be proactive should it happen. 

No matter how large or small your disaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with storm disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

3 Tips for Sump Pump Maintenance in Foxborough, MA

12/9/2021 (Permalink)

sump pump SERVPRO of Foxborough is here for you, 24/7 to assist with any storm damage you may experience.

If you have a sump pump, chances are you understand the risks that storm damage can leave on your home. Keep your sump pump working fine using these few tips. 

Always Follow the Manufacturer's Recommended Use Instructions
Many water damage restoration companies recommend the pumps as a flood prevention method. When performing pump maintenance, it's important to always follow your manufacturer's recommended instructions. This includes making sure the cord is in good repair, and that the unit is plugged into a ground fault circuit interrupter. This can help ensure your pump correctly performs the intended job for its lifespan.

Regularly Check For, and Clean Out Any Debris
Another important step for maintaining your sump pump is to ensure the pump, the vent, the discharge pipe, and its intake screen remain clear of debris. Common clogs can be comprised of dirt, gravel, leaves, sticks, and other materials that may have gotten into the water. A clogged unit often has to work harder to do its job and is at greater risk of malfunction.

Perform Routine Maintenance on Your Pump
Regularly looking over your pump for any maintenance needs can help you prevent larger problems such as clogs and unit malfunction. Take the time to inspect the cord, and clear away any debris that could be a problem. If you find your pump is malfunctioning it's best to call a professional to service the unit.

Remember, maintaining your sump pump can help prevent costly water damage to your home. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for how to use, plug-in and clean your pump. Keeping your pump clear of debris can also help prevent clogs which may damage the unit. It's important to check for these things on a regular basis. If you have any questions, a professional might be able to help.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Winter Storm Tips

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay Winter storms can be dangerous and can cause damage to your house. If you experience damage to your home from a winter storm, give us a call.

The winter storm months can cause damage to a house. Winter snow, storm, and water can cause damage at any time, there is never a right way to prepare for this; however, you can take some notes. 

  • Listen to weather forecasts. Whenever you are expecting a winter storm or extreme cold, make sure to have items handy that you will need to keep warm. Make sure to get alerts from weather channels, so you can prepare quickly. 
  • Get your car ready. Have maintenance service on your vehicle as recommended, should a storm arise you will be prepared to drive for emergencies. 
  • Keep the gas tank near full to help avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines. Check the following during the winter months: heater, defroster, brakes, brake fluid, ignition, emergency flashers, exhaust, oil, and battery. 
  • Always be extra cautious for ice. Ice can vary in thickness because of temperature, water current, and snow cover. 

Winter storms can be dangerous and can cause damage to your house. If you experience damage to your home from a winter storm, give us a call. 

No matter how large or small your business diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

Winter Weather Frozen Pipes in Foxborough, MA

11/24/2021 (Permalink)

green truck with snow Winter weather is approaching quickly, and it is best to be prepared.

With the winter season just around the corner, it is important to remember that the season's weather is more than just the common snow covered sidewalks and slippery roads. If you're a New Englander, freezing temps and heavy snow are as common in the winter as beautiful foliage in the fall or green grass in the Summer. With freezing temperatures comes the possibility of freezing pipes which can result in significant water damage to your home or commercial property.

Frozen pipes occur when exposed to freezing temps. Common areas for freezing pipes are basements, attics, garages, crawlspaces, or along exterior walls within a home. Additionally, outdoor water spigots are a regular place for cold weather exposure. A frozen pipe can burst at the point where the ice blockage inside the pipe is located, but usually the rupture is caused from the backflow of pressure between the water source and the blockage. 

If your home or commercial property experiences a burst pipe caused by the extreme cold temps that surround a winter storm, be sure to contact SERVPRO of Foxborough. We will make sure your property if properly dried mitigated in the affected areas to make it "Like it never even happened."

Flash Flooding Tips for Foxborough, MA

11/21/2021 (Permalink)

rain on window SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 to assist with damage restoration after a flash flood.

SERVPRO of Foxborough responds to flash flooding and storm damage emergencies in the Foxborough area. Here are some tips from our website on what to do and not do after flooding, while waiting for help to arrive:

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery and cushions
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place
  • Gather loose items from floors

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpet or floors
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water
  • Don't use television or other household appliances
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging

Call Us Today!

When your Foxborough home or commercial business has a storm damage emergency, SERVPRO of Foxborough has a team of highly trained technicians on-call and ready to respond 24 hours a day. Call us today at (508) 533-5305.

SERVPRO Foxborough discusses National Preparedness Month

9/15/2021 (Permalink)

Storm with Lightning over white box with SERVPRO logo Natural disasters can happen at any time to a home or business. It is important to know the different types of disasters.

Natural disasters can happen at any time to a home or business. It is important to know the different types of disasters, and know if you can be affected by any of them. 

Wildfires: If there is a wildfire in the area, be ready to evacuate quickly since they spread rapidly. 

Hurricanes: Make sure to know where to go if asked to evacuate and how you will get there; it is important to act fast. 

Flooding: If you approach a flooded road, turn around, don't think you can handle it.

Drought: Learn to make conserving water a part of your daily life.

Extreme Heat Temperatures: Drink plenty of water; heat exhaustion is not good for your body.

Have a cell phone plugged into a backup battery pack if you know a disaster is coming and have backup batteries as needed.  

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

Update on Nor'Easter (02/01/2021)

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

At 5 pm today, on February 1st, we're still in the thick of this current nor'easter. Snowfall rates this evening will increase at rates of 1-2 inches per hour as the temperatures drop below freezing. This will allow the bulk of the snow to accumulate. The snow will be thick, heavy and pasty. All of southern NE is under a winter storm warning except for Cape Cod and the Islands where warm air has intruded near the surface, causing the snow to turn to rain. In fact, the rain-snow line seems to be pressing westward both north of Boston and along the Southshore.

Tonight, in Hopkinton/Middlesex county, expect the snow to transition to an icy mix for a couple of hours, followed by rain. Tomorrow morning, areas north and west of Boston will experience sleet mixing with snow on the roadways. Conditions will improve as the storm pulls away to the north. Wednesday should improve with flurries possible in the am. Temps begin to warm into the 40's on Thursday and Friday. Another storm system is possible by early next week. We are following this current nor'easter very closely and will continue to post timely updates. As always, we are here to assist with any damages caused by snow, rain, winds, or any other occurrence. Do you have questions about our services? Check out our website, or call! We are here to help!

Storm Damage Risks To Your Property

12/9/2020 (Permalink)

When a good old fashioned New England winter storm or cold temperatures strike, your commercial or residential property may be at risk of storm damage. Among the worst type of storm damage is water, which can take a few forms, including:

  1. Water and ice damage from clogged gutters
  2. Frozen outdoor hoses causing burst valves
  3. A pipe break in exposed plumbing

Clean The Gutters 

Commercial and residential property owners need to regularly clean the gutters. Leaves and debris can cause ice dams during a winter storm, leading to serious water damage. It can force water under eaves and destroy a roof.

Once water gets into unprotected areas, it can cause tons of havoc inside. Plus, mold can grow from wet building materials, and if it gets bad enough, your operations might be shut down while it’s cleaned up. Gutter guards can also help prevent ice dams.

Hoses Can Cause A Plumbing Disaster

Rubber hoses are great tools to help with outside cleanup and landscaping. If left outside during the frigid winter months any residual water in them will freeze. Make sure they are taken in if the weather is supposed to drop below 30 degrees. The water valve can take short excursions below freezing, but not long ones. If you expect a deep freeze, protect the valve with an outdoor foam faucet cover.

Exposed Plumbing 

Virtually every New England winter comes with a prolonged cold spell that will cause burst pipes for many property owners. Properly insulate any exposed copper piping to reduce the risk of water inside them freezing. Also, do not let the temperature inside your property drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 

If your commercial or residential property suffers storm damage this winter call the Disaster Remediation experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will help you make it "Like it never even happened."

How To Protect Your Property From Wind Damage

12/8/2020 (Permalink)

Top 6 Ways To Protect Your Home From Wind Damage

Wind storms in Walpole, MA can be very damaging to your commercial or residential property. It is critical to prepare ahead of time. Routinely checking, fixing or updating areas around your property can make the difference between hundreds dollars and thousands of dollars in damages.  

Here are six ways to prepare your property before the next storm hits:

  1. Check your roof
    • Shingles should be nailed down properly and all secured together
    • Replace any missing shingles immediately
  2. Check warehouse and garage doors 
    • This may mean hiring a company to inspect your doors to ensure it is properly secured and functioning well
  3. Secure all outdoor items
  4. Ensure your gutters are properly secured and clean.
    • Clogged cutters can create water damage to your property. They are also more likely to break in a high wind storm if they are weakened by heavy debris.
  5. Storm proof windows 
    • Installing storm proof windows can make a big difference in protecting your property from high winds and hail from a storm
    • If you don’t have storm proof windows, consider installing steel or aluminum shutters to protect them from flying debris
  6. Maintain trees around your property
    • Trimming trees and removing dead trees can help prevent large branches falling during a wind storm

Be sure to routinely check and maintain your property before the next storm hits.  If you do find yourself in need of help after a storm, call SERVPRO of Foxborough we specialize in restoration and storm damage repair. Call us after a storm and we will make it, "Like it never even happened." 

Winter Can Bring Storm Damage To Your Property

11/23/2020 (Permalink)

Winter in New England is almost here, which means folks in Foxborough, MA are eagerly awaiting the first big snow storm. While most people assume the only disruptions blizzards can bring are travel difficulties and requiring quality time with the snowblower, they can actually have a significant affect on your property. Damage to your home caused by blizzards can be severe and difficult to repair. Winter storms and blizzards in the Commonwealth can bring about many hazards we need to prepare for.


Snow is, of course, typically the primary component to any winter storm. During blizzards, it can accumulate quickly on roofs and other structures associated with your commercial or residential property. If left unattended, this additional weight could compromise the structural integrity of your roof. If there are any trees near your property, snow accumulation can potentially result in bringing the trees down on top of your property. In either case, the damage can be significant; the situation is also exacerbated by the colder temperatures during the winter months.


Aside from the obvious slipping hazards ice creates, it can also be extremely problematic for your property. Melting caused by the natural insulating properties of snow can result in ice dams, which can lead to significant moisture intrusion into your property. If left undetected or untreated, this moisture intrusion result in a significant mold infestation.


Blizzards often bring high winds along to the party, which can easily lead to damage to your property. Aside from the potential for superficial damage, object becoming airborne are projectiles that could easily break windows, or damage siding or shingles; in any case, the end result is intrusion of the outside elements, which can lead to significant problems down the road.

If your commercial or residential property suffers storm damage this winter, call the Disaster Remediation experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will help you make it "Like it never even happened."

How To Clean Contaminated Floodwater

11/20/2020 (Permalink)

Category three water is the worst type of water loss that can affect a property. The water ruins anything porous it touches, and the longer it remains left untreated, the more damage that it does. Fast action is needed to enable the best outcome for the home and contents. 

Potentially Contaminants Floodwater

When groundwater is the cause of the flood damage in your commercial or residential property, there can be many types of problems present within the water. As the water travels, it picks up everything it comes in contact with and brings it along. The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough regularly perform restoration services on flood loss that contains one or more pathogenic, toxigenic, or other harmful agents. Additionally, all types of mud and debris may potentially be in the water too.

Damage To Flooring

The outcome of your flooring after a floodwater disaster is dependent on how fast the cleanup efforts began. After groundwater enters a home, it migrates into any area that offers the least resistance. Our expert technicians know from experience some of the most common places affected by floodwater are:

  • Under tile
  • Behind baseboards
  • Through floor joists into basements or crawlspaces
  • Within carpet 
  • Subfloor

Thorough Extraction of Floodwater Is Critical

After a floodwater event the timer starts ticking on the level of damage. For example, if the water gets extracted quickly after the initial water loss event, there is a higher chance that the rapid response works to inhibit the level of damage to the structure. 

Because of the contaminated nature of this water, the certified technicians of SERVPRO of Foxborough will apply treatments to lessen the contagions present before beginning mitigation. When handling this type of loss, our teams wear protective clothing, including eye protection and respirators. This is because harmful pathogenic elements can enter the body through the eyes or aspiration. 

It is not unusual for the original amount of water to have receded and migrated into the structure. The professionals at SERVPRO of Foxborough understand the movement of water within a home and use their moisture detection equipment to determine the true scope of the area that needs mitigation.  

Controlled Demolition

When groundwater wicks into sheetrock, it rapidly deteriorates, and to save as much as possible of the structure, rather than remove the entire portion of the wall space, our technicians measure several inches above the waterline and cut away the destroyed part. This action serves the dual purpose of removing damaged materials and opening up the wall cavities for complete drying. 

While ceramic tile with sealed grout tends to have the best outcome from flood loss, adhesive tiles tend to delaminate rapidly and may need removal. We will inspect any removed materials for the potential for cleaning and reuse to save the property owner the cost of replacement. 

When contaminated water saturates carpet, it is almost always a loss as it cannot get returned to a sanitized state for reuse. Due to the weight of wet carpet, we will extract and sometimes dry the carpet before cutting it into strips for disposal as a biohazard. 

If your home has flooding damage from a backup, call the Disaster Remediation experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will help you make it "Like it never even happened."

Hail Can Cause Damage To Your Home

11/19/2020 (Permalink)

Hailstorms can happen year-round and can vary greatly in severity. In fact, damage from hail is among the top homeowners claims annually, with approximately one in 35 homes reporting a claim. Surprisingly, hailstorms cause close to $1 billion in damages. The damage is mainly to roofs and cars. Hailstorms can cause dents in aluminum siding, shingles and gutters or even crack vinyl siding, asphalt roofs or wood shakes.

Hailstones come in different shapes and sizes and can be anywhere from .2 inches to 6 inches in size and weigh more than 1 pound. Three factors contribute to making a hailstorm especially dangerous:

  1. The size of the stones
  2. The frequency with which they fall
  3. The wind speed

While hailstorms are not easily predicted, there are a few ways to prepare for them to lessen future damage. The first thing to check is your roof. You will want to look for any missing or worn shingles and get those replaced. If you know hail is on the way, try and get your car to the garage or a covered area if possible. During a hailstorm, you will want to stay inside and avoid skylights or any other glass windows/doors in your home.

It is a good idea to check with your insurance carrier to see what is covered on your current policy and consider adding hail damage. If you think your home has been damaged by a hail storm it is a good idea to have a the professionals of SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305 to inspect your roof and siding. We will alert you to any issues that may open your home to the threat of water and mold damage. 

Is Your Sewer System A Flood Risk?

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

A sewer backup can result in flooding that may cause thousands of dollars in damaged to floors, walls and electric wiring to your Wrentham, MA commercial or residential property. Excessive rain, snow, coastal storms, storm surges can overwhelm old or blocked sewer systems causing severe flood damage. Flood damage can develop quickly and without warning. Complete details on what causes sewer issues and how to prevent catastrophes such as flooding can be found on the FEMA website.

Potential Sewer Issues

Most common causes of sewer issues are:

  • Tree roots that crack and block the pipes
  • Aging systems that weren’t built to handle a rapid increase in housing
  • Blockages in the city sanitary mains that aren’t found in time and back up water into homes through floor drains
  • Combined pipelines that have to deal with stormwater and raw sewage

How To Prevent a Blockage

Avoid a sewer backup by taking some preventative measures. Perform regular maintenance. Schedule routine sewer cleaning and inspection approximately every two years. Video cameras can used to find cracks and any other issues in your pipe system. Have a professional clean out any residue that may clog your lines.

Preventative Measures

  • Always discard grease and paper products correctly.
  • Don’t pour any oil based products down the drain. Use a disposable container and properly throw it away.
  • French drains or a sump pumps connected to your sewer system debris from storm damage could get into the system and block the water flow. Ensuring a proper release for these systems is critical to preventing possible flood damage.
  • Ensure your lines are plastic as they resist corrosion and are harder for tree roots to break through.

If your home has flooding damage from a backup, call the Disaster Remediation experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will help you make it "Like it never even happened."

Is Your Commercial Property Storm Damage Tax Deductable

12/11/2019 (Permalink)

If your commercial property in Foxborough, MA has been damaged by a storm, you may want to know whether the cost of the damage is tax deductible. Unrecoverable losses caused by storms or natural disasters are usually deductible, as long as these damages are proven and will not be reimbursed by insurance. Here are three steps you can take to find out whether you can deduct the cost of storm damage from your tax bill.

3 Steps to Find Out if Storm Damage is Tax Deductible. 

  1. Determine how much damage your insurance covers. If your business is insured, you can only deduct damage that exceeds your coverage or was not covered for other reasons. Owners of uninsured commercial property can deduct the total cost of storm damage. Consult IRS Publication 547, Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts, to read the rules for claiming these deductions. 
  1. Check to see if a storm or disaster is a Presidential Declared Disaster. If you are dealing with storm damage in a region that has been federally recognized as a disaster area, special filing options may apply to your situation. Check the IRS's list of tax relief in disaster situations to see if your locality is listed and find out about any assistance that is available. 
  1. Distinguish between actual property loss and deductible property loss. Actual property loss is your total loss as the owner of a commercial property. Deductible property loss is based on the current value of your property and factors in all reductions. If you are unsure about reductions involved in a commercial property, you should contact an accountant. 

If you have unrecoverable storm damage at your commercial property in Boston, MA, you should see if you can deduct any damage from your tax bill. Tax deductions cannot overlap with covered losses, but these deductions can help to offset the cost of professional damage restoration if your property is uninsured or underinsured.

What Is A Flood Cut

11/26/2019 (Permalink)

After a storm rages in Walpole it is likely that your home will experience a bit of flooding. When this happens, you will probably hear the water remediation technicians you hire talk about making a flood cut. A flood cut is a mark that is made 12 inches above the spot where the water damage stops. Specialists tear out everything below the flood cut to stop the spread of contamination and prevent mold growth.

Q/A Regarding Flood Cuts.

Here are some common questions about this process.

  1. What Circumstances Require a Flood Cut?

Any time there is damage that cannot be dried with a fan, professionals are probably going to use a flood cut to be on the safe side. Insulation cannot be dried, so if there is wet insulation, the wall has to be cut out and the insulation removed. If the water is contaminated by storm-related debris or sewage, the wall must be discarded. If tests show any harmful microbes, the affected area must go.

  1. Why Does the Flood Cut Have To Be a Foot Above the Damage?

Water damage from flooding does not like to stay politely in its place. What technicians can see with the naked eye may only be the beginning of the story. Placing the flood cut 12 inches above the visible water damage ensures that everything affected is remediated.

  1. Is There Any Way To Save the Wall?

If the water damage is minimal and no insulation is affected, it is possible that quick removal of water and fast drying techniques can allow the wall to be salvaged. The water in question must also be clean. If it is contaminated at all, the wall has to be replaced.

Flooding in Walpole may cause damage to your home. While technicians will do everything they can to avoid removing walls, a flood cut may be required to make sure your home is free of any hidden moisture that could cause mold damage.

Storm Damage Cleanup

6/26/2018 (Permalink)

Have Storm or Flood Damage?

Call Us Today (508) 533-5305

Why Choose SERVPRO of Franklin / Walpole?

We're Faster to Any Size Disaster

When a storm hits your Franklin home or business, you need help immediately. Our quick response will help prevent secondary damage and help reduce restoration costs.

We're Highly Trained Storm Damage Specialists

As water and storm damage specialists, we have the experience and advanced training that enables us to restore your property quickly. We use scientific drying principles and provide validation and documentation that your property is dry and the job is complete.

  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technicians
We Have the Resources to Handle Storms and Disasters

We can scale our resources to handle any size storm or disaster. We can access resources from a network of 1,700 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams strategically located throughout the country.

Locally Owned Company with National Storm Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Franklin / Walpole is close by and ready to respond to storm and disaster events. We are proud to be an active member of the Franklin community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

Flooding what to do and not to do

6/26/2018 (Permalink)

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.


4/9/2018 (Permalink)



When STORMS Rage, Flooding and Water EMERGENCIES don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we!

SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole provides Emergency Cleaning and Restoration Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ~ Including All Holidays!

We at SERVPRO Franklin/Walpole pride ourselves on being FASTER to ANY SIZE DISASTER!

Flood and Water Damage is very invasive! Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more!

SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately! This immediate response helps to not only minimize the damage it also minimizes your cleaning and restoration costs!

When STORMS RAGE, contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole to handle YOUR Emergency Flood and Water Disaster ~ Anytime; Day or Night! ~ Available 24/7 ~ Including ALL holidays!

Pet Tips from The Humane Society of the United States

4/2/2018 (Permalink)

The following tips on winter pet safety are provided by The Humane Society of the United States:
  • If pets cannot come indoors, make sure they are protected by a dry, draft-free enclosure large enough to allow them to sit and lie down, but small enough to hold in the pet’s body heat. Raise the floor a few inches off the ground and cover it with cedar shavings or straw. Turn the enclosure away from the wind and cover the doorway with waterproof burlap or heavy plastic.
  • Salt and other chemicals used to melt snow and ice can irritate a pet’s paws. Wipe their paws with a damp towel before your pet licks them and irritates their mouth.
  • Antifreeze is a deadly poison. Wipe up spills and store antifreeze out of reach.

Basement Flooding -Bellingham, MA

5/15/2017 (Permalink)

This homeowners basement flooded after heavy rains

With spring approaching, for some homeowners this is a time when basements flood. Here's how to deal with a flooded basement from seasonal rain and melting snow.

According to Flood Smart a 1000 square foot home flooded with a mere 1' of water can lead to over $10,000 worth of damage. Most basements flood for the following reason.

Burst pipes, sudden downpours a copious amount of melting snow, broken gutters, leaky windows, damaged foundations, sudden removal of large trees near your home etc... 

What can you do to prevent a basement flood? 

Check your pipes, look for any area that may look like there is corrosion. If you see cracks in your foundation get it fixed. Seal or replace basement windows. Check downspouts so that they are away from the house. 

If you have suffered a flooded basement give SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305

Wind Storm loss - Sudbury, MA

5/12/2017 (Permalink)

This home owner suffered a loss during a wind storm

It doesn't matter if a summer thunderstorm or a winter blizzard when a storm is coming there are ways to be prepared.

Your roof takes the brunt. If your roof is 5 to 10 years old check your tiles and shingles to see if they are loose. If you have time fix them prior to the storm arriving.

Doors and windows are another prime ways that strong winds can get inside. In a normal rain/wind storm windows should be able to repel 9-pound 2-by-4 wind speed which equals to about 34 mph wind. 

When was the last time you scrutinized your flashing? if the protective material appears to be unattached have it replaced, to prevent water damage from the rain.

If you have suffered a Wind/Rain damage call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 to help with the clean-up of your home.

Ice Dam Damage Cause and prevention -North Easton, MA

3/31/2017 (Permalink)

This unsuspecting homeowner suffered a loss from an Ice Dam.

Icicles can be cool looking but they could be holding onto something powerful enough to create mass destruction in your home, ICE DAMS.

Ice Dams form along the eaves of a roof preventing the snow from adequately draining and creating a backup.  When Water is trapped it seeks ways to escape from the very prison created by the Ice Dams. When it has found that opening it is generally in your home.  It begins to nestle in the insulation, until it can no longer hold its weight, pressing even further into your ceilings and walls, until it’s reached its potential.

How To Prevent Ice Dams.

  • Seal air leaks

  • Seal leaky air ducts

  • Add more insulation.

  • Make sure there is sufficient ventilation in the attic.

If you suffer from an Ice Dam give SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305. Our technicians are trained and certified to help with the cleanup of your loss. 

Wind Storm Damage- Waban, MA

3/31/2017 (Permalink)

Wind storm damage

It seems that every day another weather story makes the news. From flooding to hurricanes, to an Ice storm. Weather can affect us wherever we live with very little warning. There is really no way to prevent potential storm damage.

The first step in emergency preparedness is to remove dead tree branches. They can break off in a storm posing a danger to people. As the homeowner had found out the hard way during this storm. Here  are some other helpful hints.

Keep Lights on During a Power Outage with a Generator.

If you have a generator follow these safety rules.

  • Have a working CO Detector
  • Only use portable generators outdoors not in partially enclosed/enclosed areas
  • Keep them away from windows, doors, crawlspaces and overhangs
  • Always read the manufacturer's operating and maintenance instructions.
  • NEVER add gasoline to a hot or running portable generator.

Weather Proof your home.

  • Keep gutters clean.
  • Fix drainage problems in your yard to prevent flooding

Lawn Care Before and After the Storm.

  • Don't work in your yard when a storm is in the area
  • Pick up yard debris.

If you suffer a loss call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 we our trained Technicians can clean up any loss.

Basement Flooding-E.Bridgewater, MA

3/31/2017 (Permalink)

This homeowner was surprised that her basement was flooded.

In the past 5 years all 50 state have experienced flooding including in those areas that are considered by FEMA a low threat.

What is a flood.

A flood is a temporary condition where two or more properties or land are inundated by water. It can affect even areas that are considered to be at low risk. 

What To Do After A Flood

  • Call your insurance agent to file a claim
  • Check for structural damage before re-entering your home
  • Take photos of any damaged to your personal property
  • Make a list of damaged
  • Boil water to avoid contaminants
  • Call the experts.

At SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole all are Technicians are trained and certified to handle even the toughest of flood waters. 

Call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole today at 508-533-5305

Lightening strike - Raynham, MA

3/24/2017 (Permalink)

If you know that your house has just been struck by lightning, call the fire department. The most common area for fires to start are within the walls and attic, where the fire can hide. 

A lightning bolt's main objective is to find the path of least resistance from cloud to ground. Most homes have many potential routes for lightning to follow. A few examples would be electric lines, cable and phone lines, gutters, etc....

There are three main hazards to a house that is hit directly

  • Fire Danger: this is the biggest threat to homes.

  • Power Surge Damage: If lighten chooses any of the home's electrical wiring, the explosive surge can damage even non-electronic appliance that are connected to an outlet.

  • Shock Wave Damage: The shock waves that lightning create is what produces the thunder that we hear and at close range, these waves can be destructive. It can fracture concrete, brick, chimney etc.

It is nearly impossible to provide 100% protection to avoid your home being struck by lightning. However if you have been stuck the best thing to do is contact the fire department and leave your home if you smell smoke.